More stone

The Earth produces 38,000 times more stone than we use in to make stone wool every year.

Recycled content

Rockfon acoustic solutions contain up to 64% recycled content with every tile containing a minimum of at least 29% recycled content. Rockfon solutions are also made of recycled stone wool.

Recycling stone wool

59.000 tonnes of used stone wool was collected from constumers for recycling in 2023.

An abundant natural resource

Volcanic stone is an abundant natural resource making it a more sustainable building material choice. Every year the earth produces 38,000 times more stone than we use in the entire ROCKWOOL group.

First discovered in Hawaii at the beginning of the nineteenth century, basalt stone is a natural by-product of volcanic activity that is melted and then spun into stone wool fibres.

A tree growing inside a round staircase in an urban environment.

Acoustic solutions for the circular economy

Minimising the material footprint is key to sustainable living, which is why our solutions follow the “reduce- reuse- recycle” philosophy  of the circular economy.

But that’s not all, we also work to improve our ability to recycle waste from other industries, doing our part to divert the 1-2 billion tonnes of construction waste that ends up in landfill each year.

Exploding Volcano

Recycling 2.0


  • We upcycle waste from other industries, giving them a second life by creating products with commercial value rather than simply having them sent to landfill.
  • We don’t divert any scarce resources away from other industries.
  • We contribute to the circular economy.


Discover all you need to know about our recycling service
SE - Upcycling Downcycling - Sustainability

Responsible Business & Sustainable Sourcing

We are committed to transparency and responsible, ethical business practices. We are a member of the UN Global Compact and we have an on-going commitment to the initiative and its principles.

Our supplier Code of Conduct explains our expectations to our suppliers. We expect them to follow national and local laws and guidelines relating to employment, the environmental, manufacturing practices and much more.

Illustrative image, industry, workers, factory, construction, tablet, hard hat, helmet, laughing

Safety is our first building block

All ingredients in our solutions are regularly screened against BREEAM Norway A20 list and the REACH candidate list, among others, by an independent third party (Altox ltd).

Rockfon products comply with the Authorisation List– Annex XIV, the Restriction list – Annex XVII and the Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) candidate list, (June 2013).

You can find all this useful information in our Product Sustainability Declarations.

Find more information in our Product Sustainability Declarations
industry, industrial, production line, process operator, hair net, food production, medical production, gloves, man