An in-depth look at Rockfon ceiling systems: theory and installation

Deepen your knowledge of Rockfon suspended ceiling systems, choose which system interests you


An in-depth look at Rockfon ceiling systems:  theory and installation


Deepen your knowledge of Rockfon suspended ceiling systems.



Choose which system interests you, for instance:

  1. Corridor and longer span ceilings
  2. Semi-concealed and concealed systems (M, X and Z edge systems)
  3. Exposed and semi-concealed systems (A & E edge systems)


  • Identify the components and assembly of the system
  • Best installation practice
  • Understand the relative advantages of each system


Participation criteria:

Minimum of 3 year’s experience in ceilings and interiors



10.00 – 17.00

  • Challenges of installing in corridors or narrow spaces
  • Introduction to the Rockfon Corridor Solutions Navigator
  • Traditional soffit fixed vertical suspension
  • Alternative methods to vertical suspension
  • Installations in corridors up to 1.8m wide
  • Installations in corridors 1.8 – 3.0m wide


£90 per person for non-MyRockfon members
900 Volcano Points for MyRockfon members

What to bring

Safety shoes and comfortable clothing, preferably a top with long sleeves

Provided during the course

Refreshments including lunch


Secure your spot!

Register your interest in this course to secure your spot. Limited availability.

How to get there

Rockfon Training Centre

Daventry, UK

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