A Multicultural School with a Focus on Social and Personal Aspects

The American School of Barcelona (ASB) is a highly respected private international school in Barcelona. It has been educating students aged 3-18 since 1979. The curriculum offers Spanish, American, and internationally university opportunities to its diverse student population.

The educational system here is comparable to that in the United States-- where grades and students' performances are emphasized. Rather than universities only being focused on academics, they provide guidance on all social and personal aspects as well.

The campus facilities include three buildings, two soccer fields, a multimedia center, a creative classroom, a gym-auditorium, an indoor gym and two basketball and volleyball courts. It also has art programs supported by two large visual arts rooms, two music rooms, and practice rooms.

A Customized Rockfon Project Created with the Support of a Professional Acoustician

To make communication easier for both teachers and pupils, educational spaces require adaptable acoustic solutions. Noise levels in a classroom have an impact on a teacher's ability to teach, as well as the learning and thinking abilities of students. As a result, Arq 71 Associates SLP studio architects Ferran Besa and Roger Mercadé partnered with acoustic engineer Alberto Risa from Iberacústica to create an optimal acoustic performance.

Over 2,000 m2 of Rockfon acoustic treatments have been placed throughout the school grounds, which have been tailored to the technical requirements of each area. Classrooms and corridors now feature Rockfon Blanka panels, which reduce noise generated by movement and improve speech intelligibility. Thanks to the excellent light reflection of these panels, more natural light has been produced, allowing students and teaching staff to benefit from improved well-being.

The two music rooms are fitted with 80m2 of Rockfon Blanka Activity panels on the ceiling and walls in order to achieve the best possible acoustic conditioning. The sports hall's gymnasium, which also serves as an auditorium, contains 800 Rockfon Deco acoustic baffles (a type replaced by Rockfon Universal Baffle) to minimize impact noise, enhance speech clarity, and optimize acoustic comfort.

American School of Barcelona

Carrer de Jaume Balmes 7
08950 Esplugues de Llobregat
Spain, Barcelona


American School of Barcelona

Location:Barcelona, Spain
Tiles:Rockfon Blanka®, Rockfon Blanka® Activity
Dimensions:600 x 600, 1200 x 600

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