Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR

Versatile and simple ceiling system suitable for humid and harsh indoor environments such as swimming pools, kitchens and sanitary areas

  • Ceiling system with enhanced corrosion resistance grid (Class D, EN 13964)
  • Suitable for humid and harsh environments where corrosion resistance is a key factor.
  • Visible and semi-concealed grid ceiling system using A and E edge ceiling tiles.
  • Every single tile is demountable for quick and easy access to installations.
  • Grid components made of prepainted galvanised steel Z 275 meeting the Class D corrosion resistance requirements of EN13964.
  • Comprises click, joggle end connections between main runner and cross tees which provide quick and easy installation.

Technical Services

We're ready to assist you with any technical issue you may encounter.

Phone 07970 223800

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