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Wall panels can complement the ceiling’s acoustic properties with a design solution tailored to the room’s architecture. Wall panels can also be used as an alternative where it is not possible to use the ceiling as acoustic damping.
Enhance room acoustics by using innovative acoustic wall panels for a comprehensive and flexible solution.
Our tiles and panels are especially designed to provide acoustic ceiling solutions that are beautiful while creating healthy, comfortable spaces.
New adhesive acoustic ceiling design for the modern and new build offices Wood City. They opted for a white, uniform and light-reflective acoustic ceiling design to make the heart of Wood City outstanding for Supercell.
Highly impact-resistant white or grey woven surface, ideal for high activity areas such as schools and sports facilities
Rockfon Canva Wall Panel is a versatile solution for improving acoustics in a variety of environments
Highly impact-resistant white woven surface, ideal for high activity areas such as schools and sports facilities
Rockfon impact resistant acoustic wall panels are ideal for schools, sports halls & other high activity places. See our range of impact resistant wall panels.
Attractive and impact resistant, highly sound-absorbent acoustic wall panels (Class A) suitable for class rooms, sports activity areas and offices
We provide customers with a complete acoustic ceiling system offering, combining sound absorbing ceiling tiles and wall panels with suspension grid systems and accessories.