Explore our complete acoustic ceiling and wall system offering.
You are always welcome to contact us by phone or e-mail - or by filling out our contact form.
How about reverberations? We'll calculate those for you, for free. If you're working on a new build or refurbishment with us, we can do a complimentary acoustic analysis and work out your typical reverberation times.
How does sound behave in a room?', 'How to prevent sound travelling from one room to another?': Get in-depth answers regarding acoustics, sound absorption and sound insulation on our FAQ
We experience a room with all our senses. So shouldn’t architects spend as much time on how a space sounds as they do on how it looks?
Learn about Rockfon options for exposed soffit projects
Are poor acoustics hurting my health? There’s been significant research demonstrating the negative impact that exposure to noise pollution has on our psychological and physiological wellbeing.
Acoustic ceiling and walls in any shape, form and colour. Create signature designs with Rockfon Mono Acoustic.
Rockfon® Soundstop™ and Rockfon® Acoustimass™ are acoustic barriers which reduce noise transfer in ceiling and floor plenums. Learn more here.
High-performing acoustic solutions foster well-being for both patients and staff in hospitals, clinics, and other care facilities.
We offer a variety of webinar videos to provide you with further knowledge on acoustical design and the importance of good acoustics in different building types.
Hear from experts about design trends, construction paradoxes, and how to avoid them on your next project. Our panel discussion is free to attend.
We provide customers with a complete acoustic ceiling system offering, combining sound absorbing ceiling tiles and wall panels with suspension grid systems and accessories.