For general documents, visit our document library. For product specific documents, go to products.
Spec Selector, product comparison tool and reverberation calculation request.
The Rockfon Product Comparison Tool enables you to compare product features and characteristics across multiple Rockfon ceiling tiles and wall panels. See how our products compare.
We offer a variety of tools, guides and other technical resources to help you identify and install the products that are right for your project.
Use our BIM objects as an integrated design, analysis, and documentation tool to support your building projects from concept through to construction.
Rockfon BIM objects, IFC and 3D Revit models are available at NBS National BIM Library.
Discover some essential tools needed for everyday ceiling installations that will save you money, increase efficiency and ensure a hassle-free installation.
Wall angle for concave and convex surfaces
Rockfon ceiling tiles enables CPH Highline to optimise the indoor quality with diffuse ventilation.
Our article defines that good acoustics is essential for well-being and green building schemes otherwise noise pollution can become the next big health crisis.
With just one bracket, improve the way you secure your main runners and cross tees to the wall as well as the way you bridge components. Making acoustic ceiling installation easier for you.
We provide customers with a complete acoustic ceiling system offering, combining sound absorbing ceiling tiles and wall panels with suspension grid systems and accessories.