Rockfon Color-all®

34 exclusive colours for acoustic suspended ceiling to inspire and enhance your interior design scheme
Order Sample


Colour group

Greys & Blacks
Browns & Beige
Reds & Pinks


Colour code01
Colour groupGreys & Blacks
Light reflection55

Matching colours


Order Sample


Stone wool tile


NCS S 2000-N

55 % Light reflection

More Info

Order Sample


Case studies featuring Rockfon Color-all®


Sound absorption details

Practical Sound Absorption Coefficient (αp)
Edge Thickness Suspension height 125Hz 250Hz 500Hz 1000Hz 2000Hz 4000Hz Sound absorption class αw NRC
B 40mm 40mm 0.30 0.75 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 0.95 0.95
B 20mm 20mm 0.05 0.25 0.60 0.95 1.00 1.00 D 0.55 0.70
X 22mm 200mm 0.45 0.85 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 A 0.95 0.95
E15, E24 20mm 200mm 0.45 0.85 0.95 0.90 1.00 1.00 A 0.95 0.95
A24, A15 15mm 200mm 0.50 0.85 0.95 0.85 1.00 1.00 A 0.95 0.90
A24 20mm 205mm 0.50 0.85 1.00 0.90 1.00 1.00 A 1.00 1.00

Sound absorption is measured in accordance with ISO 354.

Sound absorption data αp, αw and absorption class are calculated in accordance with ISO 11654. Sound absorption properties of islands and baffles are quantified by the equivalent sound absorption area Aeq expressed as m² per item.

Sound curve
Sound curve
Sound curve
Sound curve
Sound curve
Sound curve

Other performances

Reaction To Fire Reaction To Fire A1, Color-all Mercury: Class A2-s1,d0 (EN 13501-1)
Reaction to fire is classified in accordance with EN 13501-1.
Fire Resistance Fire Resistance The fire resistant properties of stone wool ensure Rockfon ceiling tiles provide fire protection in construction. The fire protection properties of Rockfon ceilings have been tested and classified against European norm EN 13501-2 and/or national norms depending on requirements in national building codes.
The stone wool core of ROCKFON products is non-combustible with a melting point of more than 1000°C and provides fire protection. Some ROCKFON ceilings have been tested and classified in accordance with European norm EN 13501-2 and/or national norms.
Light reflection and light diffusion Light reflection and light diffusion Colour-dependent
Light reflection expressed in % is measured in accordance with ISO 7724-2.
Humidity And Sag Resistance Humidity And Sag Resistance Up to 100% RH.
No visible deflection in high humidity
ROCKFON ceiling tiles are dimensionally stable even at humidity levels of up to 100% relative humidity and can be installed at all temperatures ranging from 0°C to 40°C. They can be installed during the very early stage of the build (when windows are not fully sealed). Their lightweight yet stable non-hygroscopic character minimises the final weight of the fully-installed ceiling. ROCKFON ceiling tiles are predominantly classified as Class 1/C/0N in accordance with EN 13964. Certain module sizes (width above 700mm) are Class 2/C/0N.
Cleaning Cleaning Vacuum
Vacuum: The surface can be vacuum cleaned with a soft brush attachment.
Hygiene Hygiene Stone wool provides no sustenance to microorganisms
Stone wool provides no sustenance to the following microorganisms tested in accordance with JIS Z 2801:2000 and ASTM C 1338-96: – Escherichia coli – Staphylococcus aureus – Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) – Stachybotrys chartarum – Penicillium brevicumpactum – Alternaria tenuissima – Aspergillus niger – Sporobolomyces roseum – Rhodotorula rubra
Environment Environment Fully recyclable stone wool
Indoor Environment Indoor Environment A selection of Rockfon products have been awarded the Finnish M1 emission classification for building materials and the Danish Indoor Climate Label for low emission products
Reaction to fire is classified in accordance with EN 13501-1.
The stone wool core of ROCKFON products is non-combustible with a melting point of more than 1000°C and provides fire protection. Some ROCKFON ceilings have been tested and classified in accordance with European norm EN 13501-2 and/or national norms.
Light reflection expressed in % is measured in accordance with ISO 7724-2.
ROCKFON ceiling tiles are dimensionally stable even at humidity levels of up to 100% relative humidity and can be installed at all temperatures ranging from 0°C to 40°C. They can be installed during the very early stage of the build (when windows are not fully sealed). Their lightweight yet stable non-hygroscopic character minimises the final weight of the fully-installed ceiling. ROCKFON ceiling tiles are predominantly classified as Class 1/C/0N in accordance with EN 13964. Certain module sizes (width above 700mm) are Class 2/C/0N.
Vacuum: The surface can be vacuum cleaned with a soft brush attachment.
Stone wool provides no sustenance to the following microorganisms tested in accordance with JIS Z 2801:2000 and ASTM C 1338-96: – Escherichia coli – Staphylococcus aureus – Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) – Stachybotrys chartarum – Penicillium brevicumpactum – Alternaria tenuissima – Aspergillus niger – Sporobolomyces roseum – Rhodotorula rubra

Full range

Edge Dimensions (mm) Thickness (mm) Weight (Kg/m2) Min. suspension height (mm) Recommended installation system  
A15 600 x 600 15 2.20 50 Rockfon® System T15 A

Recommended installation system

Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System T15 A Ceiling system with a 15mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles

Sound absorption details

αw 0.95
NRC 0.90
Sound absorption class A

Tile details

Minimum installation height 50 mm


Pieces Per Pack 32
Area Per Pack 11.52 m2
A24 1200 x 600 15 2.20 50 Rockfon® System T24 A
Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR

Recommended installation system

Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 A Ceiling system with a 24 mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles
Humid environments Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR Versatile and simple ceiling system suitable for humid and harsh indoor environments such as swimming pools, kitchens and sanitary areas

Sound absorption details

αw 0.95
NRC 0.90
Sound absorption class A

Tile details

Minimum installation height 50 mm


Pieces Per Pack 16
Area Per Pack 11.52 m2
A24 1500 x 600 20 2.40 50 Rockfon® System T24 A
Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR

Recommended installation system

Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 A Ceiling system with a 24 mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles
Humid environments Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR Versatile and simple ceiling system suitable for humid and harsh indoor environments such as swimming pools, kitchens and sanitary areas

Sound absorption details

αw 1.00
NRC 1.00
Sound absorption class A

Tile details

Minimum installation height 50 mm


Pieces Per Pack 12
Area Per Pack 10.80 m2
A24 1800 x 600 20 2.40 50 Rockfon® System T24 A
Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR
Rockfon® System XL T24 A

Recommended installation system

Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 A Ceiling system with a 24 mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles
Humid environments Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR Versatile and simple ceiling system suitable for humid and harsh indoor environments such as swimming pools, kitchens and sanitary areas
Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System XL T24 A Ceiling system with a 24mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles.

Sound absorption details

αw 1.00
NRC 1.00
Sound absorption class A

Tile details

Minimum installation height 50 mm


Pieces Per Pack 12
Area Per Pack 12.96 m2
A24 2100 x 600 20 2.40 50 Rockfon® System T24 A
Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR

Recommended installation system

Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 A Ceiling system with a 24 mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles
Humid environments Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR Versatile and simple ceiling system suitable for humid and harsh indoor environments such as swimming pools, kitchens and sanitary areas

Sound absorption details

αw 1.00
NRC 1.00
Sound absorption class A

Tile details

Minimum installation height 50 mm


Pieces Per Pack 12
Area Per Pack 15.12 m2
A24 2400 x 600 20 2.40 50 Rockfon® System T24 A
Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR

Recommended installation system

Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 A Ceiling system with a 24 mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles
Humid environments Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR Versatile and simple ceiling system suitable for humid and harsh indoor environments such as swimming pools, kitchens and sanitary areas

Sound absorption details

αw 1.00
NRC 1.00
Sound absorption class A

Tile details

Minimum installation height 50 mm


Pieces Per Pack 12
Area Per Pack 17.28 m2
A24 600 x 600 15 2.20 50 Rockfon® System T24 A
Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR
Rockfon® System XL T24 A

Recommended installation system

Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 A Ceiling system with a 24 mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles
Humid environments Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR Versatile and simple ceiling system suitable for humid and harsh indoor environments such as swimming pools, kitchens and sanitary areas
Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System XL T24 A Ceiling system with a 24mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles.

Sound absorption details

αw 0.95
NRC 0.90
Sound absorption class A

Tile details

Minimum installation height 50 mm


Pieces Per Pack 32
Area Per Pack 11.52 m2
B 1200 x 600 20 3.40 20 Rockfon® System B Adhesive

Recommended installation system

Limited installation height Rockfon® System B Adhesive Good sound absorption despite the limited soffit height

Sound absorption details

αw 0.55
NRC 0.70
Sound absorption class D

Tile details

Minimum installation height 20 mm


Pieces Per Pack 5
Area Per Pack 3.60 m2
B 1200 x 600 40 6.40 40 Rockfon® System B Adhesive

Recommended installation system

Limited installation height Rockfon® System B Adhesive Good sound absorption despite the limited soffit height

Sound absorption details

αw 0.95
NRC 0.95
Sound absorption class A

Tile details

Minimum installation height 40 mm


Pieces Per Pack 5
Area Per Pack 3.60 m2
B 600 x 600 20 3.40 20 Rockfon® System B Adhesive

Recommended installation system

Limited installation height Rockfon® System B Adhesive Good sound absorption despite the limited soffit height

Sound absorption details

αw 0.55
NRC 0.70
Sound absorption class D

Tile details

Minimum installation height 20 mm


Pieces Per Pack 5
Area Per Pack 1.80 m2
B 600 x 600 40 6.40 40 Rockfon® System B Adhesive

Recommended installation system

Limited installation height Rockfon® System B Adhesive Good sound absorption despite the limited soffit height

Sound absorption details

αw 0.95
NRC 0.95
Sound absorption class A

Tile details

Minimum installation height 40 mm


Pieces Per Pack 5
Area Per Pack 1.80 m2
E15 600 x 600 20 3.40 60 Rockfon® System T15 E

Recommended installation system

Semi-concealed ceiling system Rockfon® System T15 E Ceiling system with a 15mm wide recessed grid with semi-concealed E edge tiles

Sound absorption details

αw 0.95
NRC 0.95
Sound absorption class A

Tile details

Minimum installation height 60 mm


Pieces Per Pack 12
Area Per Pack 4.32 m2
E24 600 x 600 20 3.40 60 Rockfon® System T24 E
Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR
Rockfon® System XL T24 E

Recommended installation system

Semi-concealed ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 E Ceiling system with a 24mm wide visible grid with semi-concealed E edge tiles
Humid environments Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR Versatile and simple ceiling system suitable for humid and harsh indoor environments such as swimming pools, kitchens and sanitary areas
Semi-concealed ceiling system Rockfon® System XL T24 E Ceiling system with a 24mm wide visible grid with semi-concealed E edge tiles.

Sound absorption details

αw 0.95
NRC 0.95
Sound absorption class A

Tile details

Minimum installation height 60 mm


Pieces Per Pack 12
Area Per Pack 4.32 m2
X 600 x 600 22 3.70 31 Rockfon® System T24 X
Rockfon® System T24 X DLC

Recommended installation system

Concealed ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 X Elegant, continuous ceiling expression
Concealed ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 X DLC Elegant, continuous ceiling expression

Sound absorption details

αw 0.95
NRC 0.95
Sound absorption class A

Tile details

Minimum installation height 31 mm


Pieces Per Pack 10
Area Per Pack 3.60 m2

MS - Minimum Suspension
For specific pricing and minimum quantities, please call for details.


Recommended installation system

Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System T15 A Ceiling system with a 15mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles

Sound absorption details

Tile details

Minimum installation height 50 mm
Easy access -


Pieces Per Pack 32
Area Per Pack 11.52 m2

Recommended installation system

Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 A Ceiling system with a 24 mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles
Humid environments Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR Versatile and simple ceiling system suitable for humid and harsh indoor environments such as swimming pools, kitchens and sanitary areas

Sound absorption details

Tile details

Minimum installation height 50 mm
Easy access -


Pieces Per Pack 16
Area Per Pack 11.52 m2

Recommended installation system

Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 A Ceiling system with a 24 mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles
Humid environments Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR Versatile and simple ceiling system suitable for humid and harsh indoor environments such as swimming pools, kitchens and sanitary areas

Sound absorption details

Tile details

Minimum installation height 50 mm
Easy access -


Pieces Per Pack 12
Area Per Pack 10.8 m2

Recommended installation system

Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 A Ceiling system with a 24 mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles
Humid environments Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR Versatile and simple ceiling system suitable for humid and harsh indoor environments such as swimming pools, kitchens and sanitary areas
Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System XL T24 A Ceiling system with a 24mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles.

Sound absorption details

Tile details

Minimum installation height 50 mm
Easy access -


Pieces Per Pack 12
Area Per Pack 12.96 m2

Recommended installation system

Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 A Ceiling system with a 24 mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles
Humid environments Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR Versatile and simple ceiling system suitable for humid and harsh indoor environments such as swimming pools, kitchens and sanitary areas

Sound absorption details

Tile details

Minimum installation height 50 mm
Easy access -


Pieces Per Pack 12
Area Per Pack 15.12 m2

Recommended installation system

Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 A Ceiling system with a 24 mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles
Humid environments Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR Versatile and simple ceiling system suitable for humid and harsh indoor environments such as swimming pools, kitchens and sanitary areas

Sound absorption details

Tile details

Minimum installation height 50 mm
Easy access -


Pieces Per Pack 12
Area Per Pack 17.28 m2

Recommended installation system

Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 A Ceiling system with a 24 mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles
Humid environments Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR Versatile and simple ceiling system suitable for humid and harsh indoor environments such as swimming pools, kitchens and sanitary areas
Visible grid ceiling system Rockfon® System XL T24 A Ceiling system with a 24mm wide visible grid with A edge tiles.

Sound absorption details

Tile details

Minimum installation height 50 mm
Easy access -


Pieces Per Pack 32
Area Per Pack 11.52 m2

Recommended installation system

Limited installation height Rockfon® System B Adhesive Good sound absorption despite the limited soffit height

Sound absorption details

Tile details

Minimum installation height 20 mm
Easy access -


Pieces Per Pack 5
Area Per Pack 3.6 m2

Recommended installation system

Limited installation height Rockfon® System B Adhesive Good sound absorption despite the limited soffit height

Sound absorption details

Tile details

Minimum installation height 40 mm
Easy access -


Pieces Per Pack 5
Area Per Pack 3.6 m2

Recommended installation system

Limited installation height Rockfon® System B Adhesive Good sound absorption despite the limited soffit height

Sound absorption details

Tile details

Minimum installation height 20 mm
Easy access -


Pieces Per Pack 5
Area Per Pack 1.8 m2

Recommended installation system

Limited installation height Rockfon® System B Adhesive Good sound absorption despite the limited soffit height

Sound absorption details

Tile details

Minimum installation height 40 mm
Easy access -


Pieces Per Pack 5
Area Per Pack 1.8 m2

Recommended installation system

Semi-concealed ceiling system Rockfon® System T15 E Ceiling system with a 15mm wide recessed grid with semi-concealed E edge tiles

Sound absorption details

Tile details

Minimum installation height 60 mm
Easy access -


Pieces Per Pack 12
Area Per Pack 4.32 m2

Recommended installation system

Semi-concealed ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 E Ceiling system with a 24mm wide visible grid with semi-concealed E edge tiles
Humid environments Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR Versatile and simple ceiling system suitable for humid and harsh indoor environments such as swimming pools, kitchens and sanitary areas
Semi-concealed ceiling system Rockfon® System XL T24 E Ceiling system with a 24mm wide visible grid with semi-concealed E edge tiles.

Sound absorption details

Tile details

Minimum installation height 60 mm
Easy access -


Pieces Per Pack 12
Area Per Pack 4.32 m2

Recommended installation system

Concealed ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 X Elegant, continuous ceiling expression
Concealed ceiling system Rockfon® System T24 X DLC Elegant, continuous ceiling expression

Sound absorption details

Tile details

Minimum installation height 31 mm
Easy access -


Pieces Per Pack 10
Area Per Pack 3.6 m2





pdf zip dwg
Rockfon Color-all® | Datasheet
Rockfon Color-all® | Datasheet

DoP-RFN-0125-041-5 - Rockfon Color-all®
DoP-RFN-0125-041-5 - Rockfon Color-all®

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

Rockfon Color-all | BIM file
Rockfon Color-all | BIM file

Rockfon® System T15 E | Installation Guide
Rockfon® System T15 E | Installation Guide

Rockfon® System T15 A | Installation Guide
Rockfon® System T15 A | Installation Guide

Rockfon® System T24 X | Installation Guide
Rockfon® System T24 X | Installation Guide

Rockfon® System XL T24 E | Installation Guide
Rockfon® System XL T24 E | Installation Guide

Rockfon® System XL T24 A | Installation Guide
Rockfon® System XL T24 A | Installation Guide

Rockfon® System T24 X DLC | Installation Guide
Rockfon® System T24 X DLC | Installation Guide

Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR | Installation Guide
Rockfon® System T24 A, E ECR | Installation Guide

Rockfon® System T24 E | Installation Guide
Rockfon® System T24 E | Installation Guide

Rockfon® System T24 A | Installation Guide
Rockfon® System T24 A | Installation Guide

Rockfon® System B Adhesive | Installation Guide
Rockfon® System B Adhesive | Installation Guide

DoP-RFN-0126-041-5 - Rockfon Color-all®
DoP-RFN-0126-041-5 - Rockfon Color-all®

X-edge - multi-module island - RL-US50 channel finishing | CAD
X-edge - multi-module island - RL-US50 channel finishing | CAD

X-edge - combined w gypsum vertical bulkhead | CAD
X-edge - combined w gypsum vertical bulkhead | CAD

X-edge - gypsum border around the column | CAD
X-edge - gypsum border around the column | CAD

X-edge island - RL-US50-channel-finishing | CAD
X-edge island - RL-US50-channel-finishing | CAD

X-edge - with light unit finishing - overlapping ceiling areas | CAD
X-edge - with light unit finishing - overlapping ceiling areas | CAD

Sprinklers | CAD
Sprinklers | CAD

Uplight on floating ceiling | CAD
Uplight on floating ceiling | CAD

E-edge island - RLUS50-channel-finishing | CAD
E-edge island - RLUS50-channel-finishing | CAD

A-edge island - RL-US50-channel-finishing | CAD
A-edge island - RL-US50-channel-finishing | CAD

A-edge - angle-trim-vertical-bulkhead | CAD
A-edge - angle-trim-vertical-bulkhead | CAD

A-edge special column ring - flexible perimeter trim | CAD
A-edge special column ring - flexible perimeter trim | CAD

A-edge - gypsum level shift - 90 degree | CAD
A-edge - gypsum level shift - 90 degree | CAD

A-edge - 10mm space between tile and column | CAD
A-edge - 10mm space between tile and column | CAD

A-edge - angle trim - 90 degree | CAD
A-edge - angle trim - 90 degree | CAD

E+A-edge - concrete TT beams | CAD
E+A-edge - concrete TT beams | CAD

The Colours of Wellbeing | Brochure
The Colours of Wellbeing | Brochure

Carefully curated in partnership with colour sensory expert Sara Garanty, our Rockfon Color-all® range comes in 34 nature-themed colours, chosen to create a sense of wellbeing and complement today’s interior design trends.

Design for Schools | Education Guide
Design for Schools | Education Guide

Schools How acoustic solutions make a difference to focus and wellbeing in schools.

Didsbury High School | Education case study
Didsbury High School | Education case study

Rockfon ceilings were specified to suit particular needs throughout the school.

Underwoods Motor Group | Retail case studies
Underwoods Motor Group | Retail case studies

Underwoods motor group is the largest independent dealership in Essex and Suffolk. The group is celebrating the opening of its impressive Peugeot new car showroom in Sudbury, which has been fitted with Rockfon acoustic ceiling tiles to help create a stylish interior design to show the cars to best effect whilst also creating a comfortable, welcoming environment for customers.

Cineworld | Leisure case study
Cineworld | Leisure case study

One of the UK’s leading cinema chains, Cineworld, continues to grow, opening new multi-screen cinemas nationally and expanding existing premises to create memorable and exciting experiences for movie-goers. Rockfon ceiling products have been specified for sites across the country and were chosen for their superior acoustic control.



Video thumbnail, installation video, rockfon system b adhesive, direct mounting, glued

Rockfon® System B Adhesive™ | Installation video

How to install Rockfon® System B Adhesive™

Video thumbnail, installation video, rockfon system T24 X, X-edge, ceiling tile

Rockfon® System T24 X

How to install Rockfon System T24 X

Video thumbnail, installation video, rockfon system T24 X DLC, X-edge, ceiling tile

Rockfon® System T24 X DLC™

How to install Rockfon® System T24 X DLC™.
