Indoor health, safety and well-being

Improving quality of life

People naturally want to live in a healthy environment. Indoor climate is just as important as the conditions outdoors: temperature, air quality and acoustics are all part of creating a beneficial indoor life.


Sustainability and circularity

Product sustainability

In a circular economy, products should be used for as long as possible – and reused to the greatest extent possible when they reach the end of their service life. We provide long-lasting acoustic ceilings solution that can be recycled indefinitely.



Urbanisation presents many challenges for people’s general health.

Continuing population growth and urbanisation are projected to add 2.5 billion people to the world’s urban population by 2050, putting pressure on modern living.


Energy efficiency

Residential and commercial buildings account for nearly 40 percent of global CO2 emissions.

The ambition of the ROCKWOOL Group is to be the global leader in energy-efficient insulation solutions for buildings and industry. Learn more about how the ROCKWOOL Group can help achieving better energy efficiency at the ROCKWOOL Group website.

Release the natural power of stone
to enrich modern living

Our purpose

We are committed to empowering everyone to rise to the development challenges of modern living. By using stone, one of the world's most abundant natural resources, you can make a lasting impact across generations.

From classrooms to stadiums, land to landmarks, people need spaces not only to dream big, but to act on those dreams, making the world a better place for everyone.

This commitment is set in stone.

People indoor living room
Grandfather help his child with drawing. Home, indoor, learning, people, improving people's lives, children, crayons, learning

Why stone wool acoustic solutions

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